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The Trust has the power within the civil parish of Strumpshaw to give relief to those in need; to work with others to promote recreation, education, leisure time pursuits and the arts; and to support the provision of facilities in the interests of social welfare for public benefit.

Charity number 1162573

Annual Report for Strumpshaw Parish Council 1st April 2023 to 31st March 2024

The Strumpshaw Trust was formed in June 2022 through the amalgamation of the Strumpshaw Marsh Charity, the W C F Holmes Coal Charity and the Strumpshaw Neighbourhood Trust.


The Strumpshaw Trust can give grants to individuals who are struggling as well as to community organisations serving Strumpshaw residents.  Guidance and application forms are on this web site.


The Trustees normally meet about three times a year to consider grant applications.   However, they often respond to requests for grants from individuals more speedily if an application is urgent.




The Strumpshaw Trust’s main purpose is to help those in need who live in Strumpshaw, Buckenham or Hassingham.   The trustees will consider helping those people from this area:


  • who are suffering from ill health,

  • who need support for an educational project,

  • who are disabled,

  • who cannot pay their bills.


All enquiries will be treated in confidence.

Individual Grant application form  | Individual Grant application guidance


Community groups and organisations


The Trustees will consider applications from community groups and organisations for grants to support recreational and educational activities, leisure time pursuits and the arts.   To be eligible, most of the members of such groups should live in Strumpshaw, Buckenham or Hassingham.   Applications should normally be for a specific project and could be used to help buy equipment, to provide seed funding for a project or towards running costs.   Community groups and organisations would need to show the public benefit that would arise from the project.


Community groups and organisations could also apply for help to provide specific facilities for public benefit in Strumpshaw, Buckenham or Hassingham.

Community Grant application form | Community Grant application guidance


Charity Commission for England Wales


Trust contact details:


16 Norwich Road
NR13 4NT

Phone: 01603 714497

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