Welcome to the website for Strumpshaw Parish Council, incorporating the villages of Buckenham and Hassingham.
Strumpshaw is located on the northern bank of the River Yare around 6 miles (9.7 km) south-east of Norwich. The name Strumpshaw may derive from the old english meaning 'stump grove' which could refer to a small wood.
Parish councils are the first level of local government and the closest to the community they serve. Parish council meetings are open to the public and there is a public forum at the beginning of each meeting for members of the public to put questions to the parish council.
We're responsible for:
Buckenham Wood
Stone Pit
Bus shelter
Litter and dog bins at Buckenham Wood and Mill Road
Commenting on planning applications
The village notice boards
Latest News:
Next Parish Council meeting change of date/time to Monday 9 September at 8pm
Highways East - September A47 Road Closures
Please visit their website for full details of closures and diversions .
​Notice of conclusion of audit
Annual Governance & Accountability Return for the year ended 31 March 2024
Please view here - or go to https://www.strumpshawpc.info/documents
​Wanted - Two New Parish Councillors to join us!
Are you interested in joining the Parish Council? We have two vacancies on the Parish Council for a parish councillor. Becoming a parish councillor is a rewarding and valued form of public service. We normally meet every two months, meetings commence at 7:30pm lasting around 2 hours. If you are interested, we would love to hear from you. Please contact the Clerk to find out more at strumpshawpcclerk@outlook.com or view our co-option policy here
Buckenham Ancient Woodland Trust
New website and Just Giving page